This interdisciplinary workshop focuses on the complexity of dynamics and kinetics in systems from single biomolecules to cells. Our aim is to bring several key concepts and techniques-- such as energy landscapes, networks, single molecule spectroscopy,biomolecular dynamics and folding, NMR, data analysis of time series/imaging/low S/N ratio -- to deepen and integrate fundamental concepts relevant from the level of single molecules to cells. We will bring together experimentalists and theorists from diverse fields (e.g., chemical physics, information science, applied mathematics, single molecule imaging, data science,…) to motivate discussions along the following broad topics:
- What are techniques for complex kinetics/dynamics that would help understand specific in silico experiments that allow us to access the detailed information? For example, how can one extract multiple pathways on energy landscapes or networks in silico using molecular dynamics simulations? How can one quantify energy transduction pathways though biomolecules? How can one elucidate self-assembling of molecules ? How to characterize the intrinsically disordered proteins ?
- What are techniques for complex kinetics partially acquired in silico to bridge into spectroscopy, NMR and imaging experiments that access longer timescale event? For example, how one can bridge molecular dynamics simulations with single molecule spectroscopy that accesses milliseconds or more? How can one extract important information from in vivo NMR, Raman spectra of image of molecules/cells relevant to their functions and diseases?
- Very broadly, what development on spectroscopy, imaging techniques, nanodevices would deepen our understanding of complex kinetics and dynamics of biosystems, interactions of biomolecules with materials and/or apply to diagnostic ? Conversely, what developments on theoretical researches would be required to bridge micro and macro complex kinetics combined with experimental data?
This workshop is aimed at having an interdisciplinary meeting that brings together researchers in different fields to explore the new, exciting, open questions, by stirring different disciplines.
The time slot for each speaker is about 45 minutes including 15 minutes interactive discussions with the audience. The program through a week is usually not fully occupied and allows the participants to exchange ideas in more detail and think about possible future projects/subjects during the meeting.
Practical information
The conference will be held in the 4 stars “Hotel Mercure Dijon” at a few minutes walk from the historical center of Dijon, FRANCE. A visit of famous cellars with a wine tasting and a conference banquet will be organized in Beaune, well-known for the famous "Hospices de Beaune" and wine.
Registration will be confirmed after payment of the conference fees.
Registration and payment :
The pre-registration is closed and 33 people will attend the workshop (see scientific program). The payment can be done after 13 March and must be done by 31 March.